Used a very good defeat into victory battling Japan in Burma and India 1942 to 1945 field Marshal Viscount slim
Used a very good defeat into victory battling Japan in Burma and India 1942 to 1945 field Marshal Viscount slim

Used a very good defeat into victory battling Japan in Burma and India 1942 to 1945 field Marshal Viscount slim

Sale price$18.99

Field-Marshal Viscount William Slim led shattered British forces from Burma to

India in one of the lesser-known but more nightmarish retreats of World War II.

Once out of Burma, yet with virtually no support from home, Slim restored his army's

fighting capabilities and morale, and counterattacked. His army's slaughter of Japanese

troops ultimately liberated India and Burma, and inflicted on the Japanese army its

largest and most devastating land defeat of the war.

The first edition of Defeat Into Victory, published in 1956, was an immediate sensa-

tion, selling 20,000 copies within a few days. It remains the classic, definitive account

of the Burma campaign and stands as an enduring monument to a fiercely heroic sol-


Field-Marshal Viscount William Joseph Slim (1891-1970) was a soldier for more

than thirty years, starting in World War I. He was knighted in 1944, promoted to full

general in 1945, and made a field-marshal in 1948.

David W. Hogan Jr. is a historian at the U.S. Army

Center of Military History in Washington, D.C. He has

written extensively on the U.S. Army in the

China-Burma-India theater and is the author of
